Michael Rostron

This website contains my blog; information about my published books and writing projects; photos and links to my past and present music projects; images and commentary of building a wooden sailboat in Alaska; and much more!

I grew up near Eugene, Oregon, and studied anthropology and literature at the University of Oregon, later attending graduate school at Western Washington University. After adventures in Oregon, Washington, Afghanistan, and Alaska I married and moved to Southeast Alaska, where my wife and I raised our two girls. After twenty five years in Alaska we moved to the far northwestern corner of Washington state, where we still make our home.

Fjord Land, my latest novel, a sequel to The Kabul Conscript and Cape Decision, will be on the shelves this summer (2024).

My novel, Cape Decision: Revenge And Remorse In The Alaskan Wilderness was published in 2019. You can order from your favorite independent bookstore, or amazon, and most other bookseller sites. Please support your local independent bookstore!


My second novel, The Kabul Conscript, a prequel to Cape Decision, published in 2020 is available from your favorite bookstore, and from the usual bookseller sites. A few signed copies are still available here (scroll to page bottom): https://mikerostron.com/the-kabul-conscript/


The Roving Fitzgeralds: The Memoirs Of Roy Madison Fitzgerald was published in 2021. Like my other books, it can be ordered through the Goodreads site, directly from Village Books, or from your favorite independent bookstore.


Village Books will mail any book for $1, media mail. They have all three of my books in stock.


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